
About Baljinder Singh

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So far Baljinder Singh has created 61 blog entries.

Will Natural Gas Stoves Be Banned in Australia?

Will Natural Gas Stoves Be Banned in Australia? There’s been a lot of talk over in America about banning gas stoves, allegedly for health and environmental reasons. Is it just hot smoke or is it just another political talking point, with politicians greasing the wheels of controversy? Will gas stoves be banned in Australia, or [...]

By | 2024-01-12T07:57:11+00:00 January 22nd, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Is it Worth Replacing Your Appliances for Christmas?

Is it Worth Replacing Your Appliances for Christmas? With Christmas just around the corner, you may be wondering if it’s a good opportunity to toss out your old appliances and to purchase some brand new models for the new year. Ho ho hold onto your hard-earned money and consider the following before spending your dollars: [...]

By | 2024-01-12T07:55:21+00:00 December 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

Why is My Fridge Not Cold

Why is My Fridge Not Cold A common problem with refrigerators is that they may no longer be as cold as you’d like them to be. Obviously, this is a problem that can spoil your fresh fruits and vegetables and lead to lots of headaches. Luckily, repairing a refrigerator that isn’t cold is something that [...]

By | 2024-01-12T07:51:49+00:00 November 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

The Most Common Electrical Problems With Domestic Appliances

The Most Common Electrical Problems With Domestic Appliances Most modern domestic appliances rely on an electrical connection in order to operate properly. This also means that there are many shared electrical problems that they may encounter, so having solutions to the most common electrical problems can help you repair most appliances no matter how big [...]

By | 2023-06-22T20:03:52+00:00 November 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

How Much Should You Pay for Appliance Repairs?

How Much Should You Pay for Appliance Repairs? Modern appliances can be a major source of frustration, yet they provide us with so much utility that many of us can’t imagine living without them. Ever try doing the laundry by hand? While it can certainly build some muscle, it’s an awful lot of work that [...]

By | 2024-01-12T07:53:54+00:00 October 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

Why Repairing New Appliances Can Be More Expensive Than Repairing Old Appliances

Why Repairing New Appliances Can Be More Expensive Than Repairing Old Appliances Old appliances are often far more reliable than new ones, and it’s almost always worth having them repaired rather than replacing them with newer models. Yes, it may seem counterintuitive and even wasteful, but new appliance manufacturers don’t seem to care very much. [...]

By | 2024-01-12T07:52:53+00:00 September 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

When Is the Best Time to Repair or Buy Appliances

When Is the Best Time to Repair or Buy Appliances Buying a new home appliance can be an exciting experience. With so many choices of modern, energy-efficient refrigerators, cookers, washing machines, tumble dryers, and dishwashers, however, it can certainly feel overwhelming. Prices will range anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. This [...]

By | 2024-01-12T08:01:18+00:00 August 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

5 Eco-Friendly Tips for Your Household Appliances

5 Eco-Friendly Tips for Your Household Appliances With energy costs rising in Australia, many households are feeling the pinch. Cutting back doesn’t mean cutting out all of your essential household appliances, however. Using them in an eco-friendly manner not only reduces your energy bills but it also benefits the environment, so it’s really a win-win. [...]

By | 2024-01-10T05:54:38+00:00 August 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

Rose-Coloured Glasses: Were Old Appliances Actually Built Better?

Rose-Coloured Glasses: Were Old Appliances Actually Built Better? They don’t build them like they used to” is something you’ve likely heard from your elders at some point, and a lot of the time they are referring to domestic appliances in particular. Well, who is ‘they’ and why aren’t they building ‘them’ like they used to? [...]

By | 2024-01-10T05:28:31+00:00 July 22nd, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

Restaurant Range Hoods: Buy New or Repair?

Restaurant Range Hoods: Buy New or Repair? Range hoods are absolutely necessary in order to clear out odours and to ventilate cooking areas in homes and in restaurants. Although domestic and commercial range hoods used in restaurants serve the same fundamental purpose (ventilation), they are quite different in terms of cleaning and maintenance as well [...]

By | 2024-01-10T05:25:51+00:00 May 15th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments